Friday, January 16, 2009


Stardoll. Leave it you to have yet another pointless glitch that doesn`t do us any good whatsoever.

I didn`t have any starpoint rewards... It just... Lit up, for no reason....

And, just for January 16th on the start page, click pick of the day, you get a free dog.

*note- if you can`t find it in your suite, chances are something`s covering your mirror in your main room. Uncover your mirror, the dog is there. Put the dog in your chest, and DON`T save. Then, come back to your page, all furniture will be in tact, and safe. And, your free pooch will be in your storage for safe keeping.*


  1. Great post!

    By the way, check out my new blog:

    Love you all,
    Molly xx

  2. the star point thing happened to me twice its weird it said 10 star point rewards
