Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wild Thing, I Think I Love You

In case you didnt know, Where The Wild Things Are, the beloved childrens book, is becoming a movie.

October 16th is gonna be the best day of my life. I LOVE this book.

Here's the trailer:


I need to clear things up about my post on halmonkey3. She is actually really nice and we are getting along really well. I'm really sorry about the things I said. She's a sweetie

Friday, March 20, 2009

Some people...

Hi folks!
So no banner and I know I said I wouldn't be posting until summer but boy am I f-ing pissed and felt the need to share my feelings.

So a few weeks ago i get this request from halmonkey3 saying that I called her a best friend somewhere even though I had never had contact with her in my entire life. So i declined thinking it was the Mafia out for the very few rares I have.

Then like 3 or 4 days ago i get this message asking why i declined. It's too long for me to type but I do have a few pictures:

(start from the bottom)

the link for the post that started it all: Best Friends

Now scroll down to the comments and find my user name (Robinbird00) read the comment above my name (THE REAL ONE I WROTE) and the one below. Now think about the one below. it mentioned iamyourfat as being funny which she is but I haven't met her through here. I mean I met her when I was little.


Now see. it's not my fault. and quick shout-out to melissa54321. I am SO SORRY I messed up your name laurEN. I had just spent two days over Spring Break with my friend named Laura. I truly am sorry about that. I swear to god i didn't mean too.

So now it's up to you. Who do you believe Me or halmonkey3?
Post opinion in comments!!

So yeah. I hope everyone is having a good Spring Break and such. I myself just got home from the beach today.

ALSO! I just need to say the song "Skinny Love" by Bon Iver kicks serious ass!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fake as in Fakeshake3

Good Day Folks!

To make this short and less painful against Fakeshake3, I just wanted to say that she scammed me. Here is the story.

One girl got hacked a long time ago, I don't want to say her name, and I didn't knew that. And she wanted to trade my Cashmere Dress against her Avril RC T-Shirt and shoes, and I was thrilled and said ofcourse! We did the deal and I had now the shoes and the t-shirt. I gave the t-shirt to my best friend on Stardoll, xmissy.dx, and then I decided to sell the shoes. Fakeshake3 was on direct and wanted to buy them. She offerd 3 Sms codes and 100 std, as the shoes were plain. I eventually agreed and I sold her the shoes, she said she was out of money and I just had to wait. I contacted her every day, and she had a new excuse every time. But finally, when I forced her out of the 3 Sms codes I got them. And then 1 was unvalid. Because she acidently send the codes to a girl (boy) and (s)he took one. Then I only got 2. And the code was worth 67 std. And then I moved. And my internet was dis-connected and I was had to check at friends and in School, and I still do. So one day like 1 month aftér the codes, I send her the message about my 100 std and my 67 std for the lost code. And she answerd very bitchy and sarchastic. I threatend to write about everything here and send messages to everyone, about how fake you are, and non-trustful. After that she ignored my messages.

I have toooooons of messages she has been writing and I have the messages I have been writing aswell, but as I am on a public computer on a public account and I have like 5 minutes left, I can post then. FOR NOW. I sure will update, with this evidence, and I will send the messages to everyone who ask about them!

Sorry about eventual grammar problems, but I am in a hurry!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Closing Blog

Hi everybody. I think we can all agree none of us have time for Stardoll at the moment let alone writing on here so I just wanted to inform you that I, at least, won't be posting again until June.
Sorry but I have a life and friends I intend to spend it with.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sorry for no post

Hey guys. We are all really sorry that we haven't posted in a while, but we just haven't had any time. What with sports and school and life, there isnt much time for SD anymore. I know I'm busy everyday for the next 2 months. Also, we all have a lives and friends.

Not to mention the fact that stardoll just isnt the same anymore. It's just less fun.
