Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Finally something new!

Finally something new!
The new broadcast is out and despite the fact that I'm glad its new, I hate it. You can't type anymore which just sucks. What if you want to say " I like cheese what about you?" you cant because they dont have the word cheese!
I mean Idk why you would want to waste $5 to say that but w/e.
also there is a new gift dress which is kinda cute...I like how its all flow-y at the bottom.

Oh and DKNY spoilers are at Stardoll Fashion Forward (link in sidebar)!
Comment Questions:
1. Do you like the new broadcast?
2. What do you think about the new DKNY? Are you excited?
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Just another dreary day...On the bright side I got an A in science!

I think Rachel is totally justified in saying that Stardoll is starting to suck.
No like seriously there is nothing to do.....its all so.....dull :(
I want to post but there is nothing to post about really...OH! If any of you read Perez of Stardoll (link in sidebar) then you know that Stardoll is making Dan (Fag_Puff) change his name which is ridiculous! He's right in calling them the Nazi's of SD. Thats just not cool.
OH also the new hot buys blazer is out but its SS only :(
And its eleven freaking bucks too...not cool SD, not cool.
But yeah thats really all there is to say.
Luv ya bitches!
Gossip Girl
I have no idea why I just put that.
OH my school play is Friday and Saturday! Wish me luck that I don't fall off the stage!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Star Award Nominations!

Ok so many of you have heard about the Star Awards!
If you haven't its pretty much like voting for a high school year book or w/e.
Your categories are:
Best Newcomer
Best Female Medoll
Best Male Medoll
Best Dressed
Best Suite
Social Butterfly
Best Personality
Best Friendship
Best Magazine
Best Blog
Best Business
Best Modeling Agency
Special Achivment Award
Biggest Role Model
Now if you are a member of the official club, you know I have already posted this, but for those of you who aren't....
I hate to ask y'all this but....B@S wants your vote for best blog!
All you have to do is go to the club Star_Awards ( <--- click there), join, go to the topic called Nominations 3, and vote! (oh and while your at it go to our official club and join there too! Thats where we(mainly I) post when we(I) dont have time to post on here!)
Now, keep in mind that you don't have to. It's pretty much up to you. And don't feel pressured into doing this. But even if you don't vote for us, take the time to vote for the other categories as well!
The Star Awards have pretty much become indented into the Stardoll Culture, if you will.
So I advise you to vote anyway and make sure you are heard on SD!
Also one other thing, I really want iamyourfat to win Best Newcomer or Best Dressed! Go to her suite and see why! She already has a bunch of votes!
Peace out homies!
edit! Totally random but is it just me or does Mike He and Ed Westwick look alike?

i think its just me :\
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ok so I'm home sick xP and I'm completely bored with SD...nothing new except old Chinese stuff and the styling studio but it doesnt work for me and as we all know, SD is too lazy to fix anything. **Edit*** take that back! they fixed it!
But one of my close friends sent me a link to this website, Polyvore, and I have to say I am in love :)
Its so cool! You can make sets of clothing and outfits or interior design....AMAZING!
Check out one of mine:
Rocker Girl - by Robinbird00 on
Do you see that CC necklace in there? Well its not Chanel, its actually by 5preview, an underground clothing brand from Italy! The prices are a little steep tho. 70 euros for a shirt (roughly $90) and the jewelery (limited edition) is 40 euros (around $52).
Although I myself have bought a tee (yeah yeah yeah dont even go there I've been saving up my money for a while now and it looked cute :] ), I still feel like the prices are on the edge of reasonable tipping into insane.
Idk have a look for yourselves: 5preview
If you like the actual shirts, I have a design on SD for MUCH less. If you want one drop me a line in my gb
Monday, January 19, 2009
Potential DKNY

I have compiled a list of the possible DKNY that is soon to come out...
All of these are DKNY`s new Spring collection.
Tell me whacha think!
Is she CRAZY?

I was browsing the sales, and I came across AbellaRaine`s sale...

SERIOUSLY? I bought my black DKNY Pocket Dress [rare] for 120... and she`s selling it for 30? Seriously. Wow.
The rest of her items aren`t that cheap, and that dress has probably already been bought [who ever bought it is a lucky SOB...]
Just thought you might like to know, there are some people who sell stuff cheap!
Fab members - hallelujha!
I am sorry that I haven't posted as much that I could. I am moving at the moment and I will move in anytime now, and I am sorry to say that transferring internet is going to take from 1-6 weeks! I magazine such a long time without internet when you are almost obsessed! I am not obsessed but if you think about it you all are obsessed. Even if you don't spend much time at the computer you will go nuts without "checking the computer" for 5 minutes or more.
I will try check Stardoll and other websites, blogs and such at my friends place or in school. I will only answer people from my best friends list messages, or if I have time so much as I can. I will prolly answer GB comments, and I will save all friend request until I have steady internet in our new penthouse, lol.
My friend x.missy.dx will get my password, I will transfer my rarer clothes to another account because I have a hacker friend who loove getting into my account, but he or she can kiss my ass. Finito ;)
If I had spelled wrong in this text, don't mind, I am busy, and I have to go now. Jenna and others please correct spelling =)
And another thing.
When I was taking my dog for an walk last Friday, at 8 PM Stockholm time, I was about to scream and quickly die in fear in the middle of the small asphalt road. When I went out of the house, and went across the road, a BIG damn THINGY just lit up the sky with a blue-green color, and exploding as an enormous fireball!! At that moment I screamed so much, I was about to die! ( Not really but still).
I was all shook up (Elvis Presley C=) that Friday and next day the showed on the news that an meteor (?) had come into the atmosphere and absolute blown up in a big ball or fire!
They should an unique film, that was filmed by an security camera, a few miles from I live, were you could see the meteor, from an different angle from I saw it tho.
Here is the film:
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Party in the distant/near future?

What you are about to read is the product of the stomach bug and The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson.
So last night, I'm sitting on the couch watching a re-run of The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, trying not to through up, when two things dawn on me...
1. It was probably the chicken salad sandwich I had Thursday that didn't taste quite right
2. We should totally have a blog party!
Now I haven't talked this over with Sarah and Rachel but I think we should! We have been up for almost a month now and have over 2000 views! So why not?
But I have no idea for a theme! That's why I have added the poll! Vote for your favorite! If you vote for other, go tell us your idea in the topic in the club!
If we do have a party, it will be some time next month seeing as how I have play practice (GO MULAN!! WOO! SHANG HAS TO BE LIKE THE HOTTEST CARTOON EVER!!BEST ANIMATED MOVIE EVER BESIDES THE LITTLE MERMAID!) and Sarah wont have internet for 6 weeks :(
But idk! We want you opinion! So tell us!
Peace out, homies!
Here is a delicious hunk of Asian eye-candy for you to look at!

I know he makes me feel better!
It's Takeshi Kaneshiro
Hot damn that man is fine!
If you can't tell with the whole Mulan play thing I have developed a taste for hot Japanese/Chinese/Korean men
Allow me to serenade you!
Destiny guard our girls
and our future as it fast unfurls
please look kindly on these cultured pearls
each a perfect porcelain doll
Please bring honor to us
please bring honor to us
please bring honor to us
please bring honor to us all!!!!
hee hee best song in the movie besides I'll Make a Man out of You!
Ok sorry stopping
Stardoll`s Cutting MORE Corners...

Yet another corner cut by the fabulous people of Stardoll.

Notice the similairty? I sure do..I mean, really stardoll? You can`t give us an original dress? Obviously not. The two dresses are nearly the same. The Holiday Dress and the Faith Hill Dress. Hmm.... If they don`t really look alike to you, well.... How about this.
With just a few steps I was able to change the Faith Hill Dress into this:

And that took maybe five minutes. Obviously Stardoll didn`t try too hard on that Holiday Calendar reward.
Friday, January 16, 2009

Stardoll. Leave it you to have yet another pointless glitch that doesn`t do us any good whatsoever.

I didn`t have any starpoint rewards... It just... Lit up, for no reason....
And, just for January 16th on the start page, click pick of the day, you get a free dog.

*note- if you can`t find it in your suite, chances are something`s covering your mirror in your main room. Uncover your mirror, the dog is there. Put the dog in your chest, and DON`T save. Then, come back to your page, all furniture will be in tact, and safe. And, your free pooch will be in your storage for safe keeping.*
Hot Buys
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Lazy Ass Stardoll Strikes Again!

If you have been to the starplaza lately you might have noticed the new OLD RARE clothes! You see this hoodie:

It's an old HB from like....late 2006--early 2007.
And now its back! >:(
I actually payed quite a good bit of money for mine but now you can just buy it for $7!!
It pisses me off! Also ALL OF THESE CLOTHES ARE OLD with the exception of the HB earmuffs. Is SD so entirely lazy that they can't make any new clothes so they just bring back old RARE ones? There is also a copy of an HB pink night gown, however it does not say HB Nightgown but still, its the same thing. Also they are re-selling a 60's leather jacket, which I ADORE and payed 30 freaking bucks for and now its for like 6!!!
Back in December I said I had high hopes and good feelings about this year....those hopes and feelings are dying a rapid little death.
On another note:
I hope everybody is having a better week than I am

I told you I`d let you know when I get a response from Stardoll about I-dressup... Well, I did. Don`t get too excited... because here`s what they said.:

Hi rmkrox,
Thanks for getting in touch with us.
If you have lost, forgotten or been magically relieved of your password - you can easily generate a new password that will be sent to your own or to your parents email address, just click on the link below:
Please don't hesitate to contact us again if you have further problems.
Yours Truly,
The Stardoll Staff
Now, call me crazy, but this has NOTHING to do with anything...
Stardoll`s cutting corners. They didn`t even give a real response.
So... The mystery runs on.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Come on SD

This is seriously getting ridiculous.

look at that dress.....
now look at this dress:

(Yes I am aware that is in fact, a dude)
But this time I think SD is the legit one considering that RoiWorld is coming back new this month.
But really, if SD isnt careful, they are gonna be getting quite a few lawsuits.
Saturday, January 10, 2009

This is an aditional post to Jenna`s last post about idressup. This site is SWARMING with Stardoll lookalikes... OR.... is it Stardoll`s swarming with dressup lookalikes? Me, and the whole B@SD [breakfastatstardoll] crew are working very hard to figure out this mystery... in the meantime... here`s some more similarities...

And, you`re probably wondering what we are doing about it right now, at the moment. Well, I contacted Stardoll with this message:
Hello. Something has been brought to my attention, and I deeply hope the crew aren`t the culprits. Either they have been copying Stardoll, or visa versa. take a look at that site, see how completely it looks like Stardoll? Or, Stardoll looks like it, depending on what side you`re on. I just would like some peace of mind from you, the Stardoll crew that you did not, in fact, know about this site....
Thank you.
They will respond in a few days time. Now, I know them saying they didn`t doesn`t PROVE anything... But it certainly makes things interesting if they did actually do it....
Stardoll vs. iDressup.... Whose legit?
Friday, January 9, 2009
Coincidence or Conspiracy?

Many of you might have heard of another popular dress up site called i-dressup . Well I was logging in because, lets face it Stardoll is slowly starting to loose its charm. Anyway I was dismayed with what I saw on the front page was this:

Look familiar?
As in like this familiar?

So who do you think is legit? Stardoll or i-dressup?
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Hacker, Mothafucker
I am Monroe... aka Sarah a new writer here at Breakfast at Stardoll. I am thrilled to be here, and I really hope you enjoy my posts as much I enjoy writing for this blog =)
This is my first posts, if you don't count my little not-liked picture from the very talented Steelone. Myself I loved the picture but obvious some people don't. I said as an insider-joke to Steelone, that the people who don't enjoy some sides of art, are thoose people that take showers with bathingsuits.
And another thing.
My account got hacked almost two weeks ago. I got it back, and she/he wasn't on my account more than a couple a minutes. But that is enough right?
When I should check Stardoll today, I couldn't log in, wich was weird as I have saved my password. I tried 5 times or even more, and then I visited Monroe... on my other account, and for the outsider eye, that really don't know my suite and rooms, I tell you that, my Kylie dress was moved like a little bit and the hat that was over was also changed. I got my password back and I am really pissed!
It is freaking virtual! It is a freaking game, and people got so attached to fake clothes and their "rareness". Only because it's like only 3 poeple that got the item it dosen't mean anything. Wow, you become famous for owning that item, not for the person you really are. You become famous here? Is that so freaking important? It probobly is because it is really hard to get famous outside Stardoll so you must take a shot right?
I own some rares. Yes I do. Do I collect them? No I don't. I wanted them because the rare clothing I have find I beautiful and I want to own them.
Hacker, get a LIFE! And stop ruining other poeple's interest and life.
I am not pessimistic about Stardoll, but people chill, It's virtual.
Love Me, Hate Me, I am who I want to be.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Spotlight on...

Hola amigos and amigas!
Lol if you cant tell I couldnt speak Spanish if my life depended on it!
I just wanted to show you this amazing outfit!

Her name is iamyoufat and her specialty is making old couture outfits!
Check this one out!

Isn't this just amazing!
Did I mention she's my cousin? And I'm not being biased when I say she is super talented!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Warning! Post contains explicit language; do not read if easily offended
First Welcome Monroe... ! We are so excited that she has joined the Breakfast at Stardoll Team!
Now on to business!
I feel the need to talk about something that has been bugging me. The elites of Stardoll are slowly breaking down and becoming mental patients.
Just to catch everyone up:
1. Writemarycat (Mary), the editor of a popular magazine, Eternity, and fayasi (Fay) got into a huge fight because Fay showed people the cover of the magazine before it was ready for public viewing. This was last year, mind you. Well all the elites took sides and it was all over the blogs. Now months later, Mary and Fay are at it again....I dont know all the details just that Mary has been slamming Fay and vice versa. Its hard to believe they used to be best friends....
2. TheFemaleDog (?), the writer of a really bad blog, posted personal pictures of Fag_Puff (Dan) without his consent. Dan was resonably angry and demaded she take them down. She said she would oblige his request as long as he gave her a $10 prepaid card, which is esentially blackmail. Now ThePsychoticDog is terrorising Dan's blog (along with others) and leaving rude comments.
3. Fakeshake3 (Ellie)....enough said....the crazy keeps getting people mad at her.
These are just a few...
People are leaving and fighting.
And I just have a message for them:
Shut the hell up. You whine and bitch and moan about all of this. You treat each other like crap. You dont even know these people and yet you feel compelled to judge them anyway. You backstab your friends for fame on a freaking virtual website. You elites act like a bunch of 12 year old girls who cant get along. None of this is going to matter in 10 years however you act like its just the end of the world or worse than a nueclear war. It's sick. And it's wrong. And its just not worth it. You obviously aren't the shiniest rocks in the rock garden if you think this is a fulfilling way to making yourself feel better by hurting others. ITS A STUPID VIRTUAL WEBSITE FOR GODSAKE!
Sorry....I needed to get that off my chest. Im sick of it.
Few Quick Things
Friday, January 2, 2009
Need I say more?

Can I just say its about time?
Here are all of the Moonarce links! They arent available yet but they will be soon! Thanks Stardoll Insiders!
The Book:
The necklace:
The Dog:
The Cake plate:
The Piano:
The Piano Chair:
The Chest:
The crystal Ball:
The painting:
The rabbit:
The seashell bed:
The flowers:
The mirror:
The doll:
The lion:
The unicorn: