Warning! Post contains explicit language; do not read if easily offended
First Welcome Monroe... ! We are so excited that she has joined the Breakfast at Stardoll Team!
Now on to business!
I feel the need to talk about something that has been bugging me. The elites of Stardoll are slowly breaking down and becoming mental patients.
Just to catch everyone up:
1. Writemarycat (Mary), the editor of a popular magazine, Eternity, and fayasi (Fay) got into a huge fight because Fay showed people the cover of the magazine before it was ready for public viewing. This was last year, mind you. Well all the elites took sides and it was all over the blogs. Now months later, Mary and Fay are at it again....I dont know all the details just that Mary has been slamming Fay and vice versa. Its hard to believe they used to be best friends....
2. TheFemaleDog (?), the writer of a really bad blog, posted personal pictures of Fag_Puff (Dan) without his consent. Dan was resonably angry and demaded she take them down. She said she would oblige his request as long as he gave her a $10 prepaid card, which is esentially blackmail. Now ThePsychoticDog is terrorising Dan's blog (along with others) and leaving rude comments.
3. Fakeshake3 (Ellie)....enough said....the crazy keeps getting people mad at her.
These are just a few...
People are leaving and fighting.
And I just have a message for them:
Shut the hell up. You whine and bitch and moan about all of this. You treat each other like crap. You dont even know these people and yet you feel compelled to judge them anyway. You backstab your friends for fame on a freaking virtual website. You elites act like a bunch of 12 year old girls who cant get along. None of this is going to matter in 10 years however you act like its just the end of the world or worse than a nueclear war. It's sick. And it's wrong. And its just not worth it. You obviously aren't the shiniest rocks in the rock garden if you think this is a fulfilling way to live...by making yourself feel better by hurting others. ITS A STUPID VIRTUAL WEBSITE FOR GODSAKE!
Sorry....I needed to get that off my chest. Im sick of it.
You go girl... I wouldn't of had the courage to post that on my blog, you are very brave! :)
ReplyDeleteAgreed :D
ReplyDeleteand YAY Sarah! :D
True that.
ReplyDeleteGlad someone said it.
Go girl =)It'S pretty brave of you to write this but it'S the truth =)I mean Stardoll is a virtuel website ;)
ReplyDeleteGreat post..
And it's ok if people think of me as "pathetic" or cetera,It's their opinion.Anyway,opinions are never bad ;)All in all,everyone has done something wrong!
Would you guys not be a little pissed if some cray stole pictures of you and handed them out like candy?
ReplyDeleteI'm not elite either, I just blog and that's it.